Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Those eight words on a car's side view mirror are, without intention, quite prophetic. And in these days, they even bring a bit of comfort. God’s dreams for a world made new and right, when all things will be restored and reconciled, are actually closer than what may appear. In the midst of all the reasons we have to despair and cry out, how long, O Lord, if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the signs of the kingdom are sprouting up around us.
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Those eight words on a car's side view mirror are, without intention, quite prophetic. And in these days, they even bring a bit of comfort. God’s dreams for a world made new and right, when all things will be restored and reconciled, are actually closer than what may appear. In the midst of all the reasons we have to despair and cry out, how long, O Lord, if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the signs of the kingdom are sprouting up around us.
And God’s Spirit is daring us to remain awake and alert- to watch for these witnesses of God’s kingdom come on earth as in heaven.
We are to watch for the small acts of kindness and bold movements of protest that resist powers bent on injustice. We are to watch for organized efforts to end various manifestations of violence and how the faithful gather across all walls of division to worship and form community. We are to watch for welcome extended to those who have been barred from such community for far too long and when resources are shared with those who do not have enough.
We are to watch for all this and far more. We are also to engage, for in so doing we draw all the nearer to God’s promises and everlasting hope.
“Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21)