#Presbyintersect is the room where it is happening and foodie photos are on the house.
In recent weeks, #presbyintersect has engaged topics that range from the reality of police brutality to trauma informed ministry of presence, power dynamics in church and society to fishbowl conversations with allies, advocates, and activists. This week, Fernando Rodriguez QuiƱones and I facilitated conversations on the Revised Common Lectionary for this 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Spirit did not disappoint, as Jeremiah, Hebrews, and the Gospel of Luke provided more than enough intersectional conversations that hinged on the living and active word.
For those of you looking for a quick wrap-up of the conversation, check out this week's Storify. Then join us next Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. EST. I may even post a picture of a good drink on the house.