Tuesday, January 18, 2022

On Our Concern for When the Wine Runs Out: A Poem


When the wine gave out
celebration was at risk
joy vulnerable
abundance on the brink of scarcity
this she knew
more than he
among a people whose sorrow
lingered in the shadows
strangers in their own land
many hired hands
so they needed this day
a sabbath from suffering
this was her concern
they were her concern
to make a way to dance
to laugh
to eat, drink, and be merry
become inebriated by the absurdity
of a new love consummated
that subverted their fear
and awakened them
to dreams of the better
to come
yet stewarded now
still we wonder
in our time
if the wine has run out
when will our jubilee ferment
to dance and drink
and taste of love overflowing
once more
for all
like her
this is our concern

*based on the lectionary text from John 2:1-11