Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Wisdom: #AdventWord Day 24

“For wisdom is a reflection of eternal light,

a spotless mirror of the working of God,

and an image of God’s goodness. 

Although she is but one, she can do all


and while remaining in herself, she

 renews all things.; 

in every generation she passes into holy


and makes them friends of God, and


for God loves nothing so much as the 

 person who lives with wisdom. 

She is more beautiful than the sun,

and excels every constellation of the 


(Wisdom of Solomon 7:26-29)

I don’t always engage the apocrypha and inter-testamental writings of sages past. Yet, when it comes to reflections on Wisdom, there are few places better to center the heart and mind. I also think my Catholic heritage clambers to the surface of my Presbyterian spirituality during Advent. Many argue the child Jesus, who grew in Wisdom and stature, would have read the apocryphal works. Immanuel likely learned Wisdom to be a reflection of eternal light. She passed into holy souls of every generation, to include his own.

In our time and place, I believe Wisdom passes through those willing to wear these sacred facial garments like clerical attire. Masks, in a time of pandemic, exude Wisdom as incarnations of neighborly love. Please live with them, the repercussions of not has had more than enough tragic impact on those we love. There is not much more to this reflection on this 24th Day of Advent. This one is more a personal plea for collective safety, embrace of Wisdom, and to play your part in the renewal of all things. Now that I think about it, this is a large part of the Christmas story. That said, Merry Christmas. Wear your mask...over your nose...to do so is like a spotless mirror of the workings of God and an image of Divine goodness.