There are days when I raise some pretty raw existential questions about this whole church experiment. I wonder, does what we what we offer alongside our neighbors and communities near and far make any difference at all? These are the days I am grateful for the work I do alongside seminarians. As we prepare one another for new approaches to ministry
, creative enactments of the gospel, and intentional expressions of love and welcome, we affirm God is still invested in this broken yet beautiful organism called the church. Every time I talk with these budding leaders, hear their call stories, make space for their questions, and listen to their passions for intersecting the biblical story with the present realities swirling among us, I am reminded God has not given up on us for one second. The Spirit is still awakening people to follow Jesus. This gives me great hope; this helps me not to bail but take greater and bolder risks as we make even the smallest of preparations for God’s world we dare to believe will be made whole and good and right again.